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About Monkey's House

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Michele and Jeff always had a deep love for animals, strong bonds between souls. Years before opening Monkey’s House they fostered dogs for local shelters. Michele was an RN and comfortable with animal’s medical needs. This was music to the shelter director’s ears; the Allen’s fosters were not your average dogs, but those with challenging medical conditions.

One such foster was Goldie, a senior golden retriever. Emaciated with a large tumor in her abdomen, they hoped Michele would help her gain weight before surgery. Nothing seemed to work. Their assumption was correct, the diagnosis was cancer, Goldie had weeks to live. Michele turned to Jeff and said “We have to adopt Goldie. She’s not going to heaven without a family.” When the time was right Goldie Allen was gently assisted to Rainbow Bridge. Since Goldie, no dog they ever cared for left for the Rainbow Bridge without first becoming an Allen.

Fostering Goldie in 2011 was a real wake-up, they realized there were little to no resources for homeless dogs with terminal diagnoses. A couple of years later, when fostering Monkey, it was reinforced. He came to them for end-of-life care with congestive heart failure. They were told, “he only has a month to live, enjoy what little time he has left.” The Allens adopted Monkey, got him diagnosed, and a treatment plan was put in place. He was their world and lived a zestful seventeen months.

During their time with Monkey, they discussed starting a dog hospice. Dogs nearing the end of life need a loving home. The support of a community was needed to help them save and care for more dogs.

In 2015 Monkey’s House Dog Hospice & Sanctuary was founded in honor of Monkey. They like to say their sanctuary is “Where Dogs Go To Live!”, and so true. Over 160 homeless hospice dogs have joined their family since inception. With over 100K followers on social media, supporters fall in love with the dogs while receiving guidance, inspiration, and most importantly - how to live those “little moments” with their dogs.

When asked what the future looks like at Monkey’s House, they responded “Carrying a bright torch, strolling along the beach with twenty-plus dogs. Teaching by example and showing the life, love, and joy to be found in palliative and hospice care.”

Meet The Co-Founders

Michele Allen

Michele Allen

Michele Allen is the co-founder and Executive Director of Monkey’s House Dog Hospice & Sanctuary. She’s a retired RN-BSN whose nursing career spanned various hospitals from The University of Pennsylvania to specialty hospitals such as Deborah Heart & Lung. Michele received numerous awards including “Nurse of the Year” in 1997.

Years later, her love and knowledge of animals led Michele to her true calling, caring for medically challenged dogs. She has received many accolades, including the 2021 USA Today AnimalKind award and was a 2017 CNN Hero recipient. In 2022 she partnered with Dr. Judy Morgan to create an online course “An Integrative Approach to Hospice and Palliative Care for Dogs”.

Michele Allen

Jeff Allen

Jeff Allen is a Monkey’s House Dog Hospice & Sanctuary co-founder. Living a life among twenty-five hospice dogs inspired him to start composing their stories to honor them and show the world that these “throw-away” dogs still have a life to live, love to give and receive. An award-winning bestseller author was born with the likes of "Where Dogs Go To Live" and "Leashes in Heaven". Quickly he realized that inspirational storyteller was a key ingredient in his non-fiction and fictional works, helping spread the Monkey’s House mission.

He’s honored to be named USA Today’s 2021 AnimalKind award winner.

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